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Hand-embroidered Silk Coaster for Teacups and Kettles Traditional Chinese Craftsmanship
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Campaign 15cm real silk embroidery
Chinese red 15cm true silk embroidery
Elegant black 15cm real silk hand embroidery
Yajin 15cm real silk hand embroidery
Molan 15cm real silk hand embroidery
Mood green 15cm real silk embroidery
Early snow white 15cm real silk hand embroidery
Fluorescent green 15cm fairy crane real silk embroidery
Light blue 15cm hand embroidered crane
Elegant apricot color 15cm real silk hand embroidery
Blue 15cm real silk hand embroidery
Green little truth 15cm real silk hand embroidery
Violet gauze embroidery 15cm hand embroidery pattern is different
Dark gray gauze embroidery 15cm hand embroidery pattern is different
Cyan army green skill 15cm hand embroidery
China red 22cm real silk hand embroidery
Blue 22cm true silk hand embroidery
Apricot embroidery 22cm real silk hand embroidery
Blue 22cm real silk hand embroidered pattern is different
Yajin 22cm real silk hand embroidery
Wine red 22cm real silk hand embroidery
Dark brown 22cm 戏 戏 深 深 深
Mood green 22cm real silk hand embroidery
Molan 22cm real silk hand embroidery
Light powder 22cm real silk hand embroidery
Model a28cm real silk hand embroidery
Model b28cm real silk hand embroidery
Sky blue phoenix 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Wine red 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Model d28cm real silk hand embroidery
E -shou tao 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Red 28cm fairy crane real silk hand embroidery
Peacock blue 28cm real silk handmade embroidery
Dark blue 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Green 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Gold 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Rose red 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Lemon yellow 28cm golden phoenix
Champagne color 28cm real silk hand embroidery
Sky blue 28cm real silk hand embroidered plate gold
Black 28cm velvet gauze embroidery
Orange red 28cm red
Watermelon red and red 28cm hand embroidered silk
Army green green 28cm pan jinlongfeng
Light green green 28cm hand embroidery real silk
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